Things fell very quiet after the publican locked the front doors and left the hotel for the night, just after 12:30 am. We had arrived very late at the Wisemans Ferry Inn after travelling up from Sydney to spend the weekend.

Wisemans Ferry Inn

The atmospheric halls of the Wisemans Ferry Inn

As I paid for 2 nights accommodation the publican noted, “you’re the only couple upstairs, everyone else is in the rooms out the back” – which was fine with me, I like my privacy and it meant there would be no waiting to use the shared bathroom.

We lugged our stuff up the narrow staircase and through the saloon-like gate at the top marked “private” and settled into our room. The hotel fell quiet except for the occasional hum of the generator kicking into life.

Wisemans Ferry Inn

Staircase leading to our room where we will sleep alone. Woooo!

We settled back to enjoy a drink after a long drive (and a flight for my partner) and as self confessed web-addicts, my partner checked-us in to the Wisemans Inn on Facebook (cause, ya’know, it’s critical that my friends know where I am every second of the day right?).

It was then that I got Twitter message from a friend asking me if I had seen the ghost yet. “What ghost?”, I enquired to which she responded that the Wisemans Ferry inn was known to be haunted. In fact, it’s famous for it.

According to an article from the Daily Telegraph,

“Villagers have reported female ghosts swishing their long frocks along its corridors. The shadowy form of founder and ex-convict Solomon Wiseman’s first wife Jane has been seen rising from an old vault in the garden. A young convict, refused a ticket-of-leave by “Governor” Wiseman to see his sweetheart and tried to swim to freedom across the Hawkesbury, who was pulled beneath the water by his leg-irons and drowned.”

And “A veteran ghost hunter has recommended Wisemans Ferry Inn as one of the state’s most haunted buildings. Villagers have reported female ghosts swishing their long frocks along its corridors.”

Se here we were, in a haunted hotel in the dead of night, alone, with no one else to haunt. It was then that the significance of “you’re the only couple upstairs” began to dawn on me. Maybe nobody else wanted to stay upstairs because that’s where the ghosts hang out!

It was well after 02:00 by the time we went to sleep. No ghosts appeared. I considered that some are shy and only show themselves in photos, so tonight I took some pics around the Inn. If you can see anything paranormal, let me know in the comments, but I was stumped.

After our disappointment of last night, we took a trip out to the local cemetery today to take more photos. I’m hoping a ghost or two has followed us back to the Inn but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Wisemans Ferry Inn

A haunted wagon wheel?

We have one more night to stay upstairs – alone – in the “most haunted building in NSW”. I’m not holding my breath.

Some people say ghosts won’t show themselves to skeptics. But I want you to know ghosties, I am willing to change my mind. I’m open to the idea that you do exist and like all good skeptics/scientists, if evidence to the contrary is presented to me, I will modify my position.

We’re in room 8, see you upstairs later.

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