Hello fellow Pooh-ers.

We have some very exciting news to convey, our podcast the Skeptic Zone has hit the big time on iTunes Australia. After a shout-out on The Skeptics Guide to the Universe (#175) this week, our numbers started creeping up, and up and up. And this morning we were thrilled to discover we are Number 1 under the category of “Religion and Spirituality” outranking the likes of Oprah Winfrey! Even better, we are sitting pretty at No. 16 for Top Audio Podcasts (see below)

No 1 under Religion and Spirituality on iTunes Australia, outranking Oprah!

Top audio podcasts, iTunes Australia
1. Hamish and Andy

4. Dr Karl on Triple J
5. Ricky Gervais Podcast
6. Dr Karl’s great moments in science
11. Hamish and Andy minicasts
12. Dr Karl and the Naked Scientist, BBC
14. All in the mind, ABC Radio National
15. Nova Merrick and Rosso and Kate Ritchie

16. The Skeptic Zone

17. The Science Show, ABC Radio National
18. Stephen Fry’s Podgrams
19. Triple J Sunday Night Safran

21. Hack Triple J radio

And under the category of Top Podcasts, which includes audio and video, we rank # 34. If you head to podcasts on iTunes Australia, you will find us smack, bang at the top of the page, featured as a “new release”.

And on the American store, in the category of Religion and Spirituality, we have leapt from #61 this morning to #34! It doesn’t stop there, on the UK store, we are sitting pretty at number 39 under top audio podcasts in Religion and Spirituality and #48 overall (which includes audio and video).

So if you haven’t heard us yet, or subscribed, head to our website where you’ll find the link to iTunes, the RSS feed or the live stream. Please take the time to DIGG us (there’s a link on the website) and write us a review on iTunes. We are thrilled that the podcast is taking off in such a huge way. A big thank you to all our current fans and subscribers. 

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