Today it was revealed that the AVN will be investigated by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) for alleged breaches of the Public Health Act of 1993. In response, the AVN released a statement reproduced below.

AVN complaint HCCC

It is interesting to note that Meryl Dorey states that she does not consider herself or the AVN to be “health practitioners” in “colloquial” terms. The manner in which Meryl perceives the AVN is irrelevant in this respect, since the law is quite specific about what defines a “health practitioner”.

This is explained in the complaint, reproduced below;


Meryl also claims that she neither she nor the AVN “dispense advice”, despite her extensive lectures, seminars and webinars conducted on a regular basis where she tells attendees that vaccines cause the illness they’re supposed to prevent, that vaccination is not proven or scientific, and that parents who read a few articles about vaccination will know more about the subject than a peadiatrician”.

See Fuzztwin’s blog for more of the transcript to this recent webinar.

According to the statement from Meryl, she has until the end of August to address the complaints from the HCCC.

If you would like to read the entire complaint in pdf form, click here.

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