I have long been a fan of They Might be Giants having discovered them with their third album “Flood”.

In fact I saw the two Johns on the “flood” tour back in the early 90s when the played Le Rox, a famous goth club in Adelaide no longer in existance. In my late teens and goth phase (yes I wore Doc Martens and tartan skirts and had sticky-up-black hair) I saw many great bands here and also had the dubious honor of falling down the steep stairs.

Many years later, a friend tipped me off to this great clip from a full length DVD by The Giants. It’s an animated project for kids, promoting science.

Here’s a preview from their kids’ series which includes “Science is Real” and “Kids Go!“.

Watch the previews below for some fun TMBG!

And “Science is Real”

Tip of the hat to James Murty

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